Massachusetts is home to stunning natural vistas that change throughout the year. Lush greenery transitions to vivid fall colors and a sparkling winter landscape before returning once again to a rainbow of blooms in spring. While these seasonal changes are one of the best parts of living in the area, most homeowners know that with these shifts come other, less favorable, developments: common bugs.
Seasonal temperature shifts affect bug activity, which can have major consequences for your home. It is important to understand how bugs respond to changes in temperature, atmospheric pressure, daylight hours, and more so you can keep your home pest-free.
Here are the basics so you can plan ahead before the bugs get the upper hand in your building.
Most insects reproduce when food and resources are plentiful or, in other words, in spring and summer. As temperatures rise, species emerge from their dormant state (which could be burrows in the ground, old and undisturbed hives, and more).
It is common to see a sudden and seemingly unpredictable surge in bug populations once the weather warms up, especially if a homeās pest infestation problems were not adequately addressed the prior year.
Similarly, bug populations often decline as the weather cools back down and food becomes scarce. However, homes are a great place for insects to weather the cold.
If your house has easy access points, bugs can often avoid the seasonal reproductive slowdown and continue to reproduce consistently, thanks to the reliable temperatures inside a house. If you are seeing consistent bug activity throughout the year, you should take additional steps, as the insects have infiltrated the home and set up a reliable, secure base of operations.
Food Availability
Another significant environmental change that follows the seasons is food availability. Spring and summer offer fresh fruits, pollen, nectar, and foliage on which insects can thrive. As food begins to decrease in fall, insects must seek alternative sources of nutrition and hydration or go dormant.
When bugs find food readily available inside a home without sufficient pest protection strategies, their hunger problem is solved permanently. This is why many Massachusetts homeowners may be surprised that bug populations seemingly increase in the cooler months rather than decrease!
When a buffet is available, any bug would be foolish not to join. That is why homeowners must carefully store their food items in glass jars and other secure containers. Keep the home tidy to remove crumbs, and store trash away from the home in a sealed garbage bin.
Bugs may not be the most appealing snack, but for predators ranging from squirrels to birds and even other bigger bugs, insects make up an important part of a balanced diet. Any bug that can find a secure place to hide away from the keen eyes of predators is unlikely to leave, especially if food and water are also available.
During spring, bugs often race to find secure locations before the other animals begin scrounging for their warm-weather nutrition, which fuels their reproductive cycles. As summer passes and the colder months arrive, vegetation becomes sparser, which leaves insects exposed if they do not have a safe space to rest and eat.
Human homes are ideal, safe locations for bugs, as they can make their homes in the walls and along the baseboards with little interference. Greater security also means higher populations, as their numbers are not being thinned by predation. This, in turn, contributes to more breeding pairs, which further boosts their number.
For these reasons, bug populations can quickly swell out of control in a home without pest control measures. Regularly examine the inside and outside of the home for evidence of pests, including damaged food items, droppings, shed exoskeletons, webs, egg sacs, and bodies.
What to Do If Youāre Struggling With Common Bugs in Massachusetts
Bugs can be a big problem and are more than a mere inconvenience. Some insects, such as mosquitoes, can carry diseases that impact humans and pets. Others, such as ants, can wreak havoc on a homeās food supply before they are noticed. Some basic steps that homeowners can take to make their home less appealing for bugs include:
Storing food in glass jars
- Sweeping the floor regularly
- Removing shelter, such as wadded-up towels or piles of cardboard boxes
- Sealing cracks and gaps leading to the outside (especially around doors and windows)
However, in many cases, it is smart to get help from professionals. They can work with homeowners to find how the insects are getting in and the best way to stop them from making your home their own.
Prepare Your Home for Shifts in the Activity of Common Bugs
If you see an increase in bug activity and do not know what to do, the professionals can help. Contact Spartan Animal & Pest Control to take the first step toward a house that stays bug-free, no matter the season.